To warm your hearts
After the snow...
I'm a tourist showing you my last holidays shoots. It was in July 2009. So, far far away....
In south-west of France.
And plus, I'll show you some pix from New Zealand (still back in 2009)
Let's go!
Saint Girons - Plage. South-West of France
The old man and the sea..Mission Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
Fisherman's bridge. - Mission Bay, Auckland, New-Zealand
Special Bridge - Mission Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
From Fisherman's Bridge - Mission Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
The other side of St-Girons Beach - South West of France
Orange ballon - St Girons South West of France
To warm your hearts

To warm your hearts

In these sowing days, I thought some summer photos would re-warm our hearts. I think I was right.
